Saturday, February 18, 2012

Can't believe it's already break!!

Monday: I was pretty tired when I had to wake up at 6:30am for my 8am French language class on Monday. I had my presentation in class on French cuisine and molecular gastronomy that I did with Dana. I thought it went pretty well. After our presentation, another group presented on Brazilian music. It was really interesting but they just showed clips and didn’t speak much (it was hilarious watching the prof shaking his head the whole time in disapproval). After class, Dana and I had a relaxing lunch at an Italian place near the Opera House.

Tuesday: I tried to get some work done Tuesday before my Lyon History class and totally failed. But after I got back from class, Dana and I skype for almost 3 hours to plan a bunch of our upcoming trips in March. I booked flights to Brussels and London and trains to Paris for this weekend (since I fly to Vienna from Paris) and to Mulhouse (near Strasbourg). We also began looking into places to stay in Brussels and are working on either a trip to Lisbon or to Istanbul as well in March!!

Wednesday: I finally started doing all that work I have been procrastinating on so successfully since my tennis class was cancelled.

Thursday: I had my political history of health class. I was very happy to make it back to grange blache without all the craziness of the tramways that weren’t working last week! I headed over to meet Barbara and met up with the guy that is going to be my tutor while I was here. He is a history doctoral candidate studying medieval history. It was really interesting to me because in the U.S. if you asked someone like that if they wanted to tutor in history (regardless of what type of history), I feel like they would be very confident in their abilities (despite the truth). But, here in France, I notice that students tend to underestimate their abilities, which is new to me.

Friday: Barbara introduced me a medical student of hers. I met up with her and one of her friends for lunch. We went to the adorable bistrot a tartines  near place Jacobins (rue merciere). It was delicious and we stayed there talking for hours. They were so nice and I really learned a lot from them. I look forward to seeing them again, and sitting in on one of their medical school lectures. Then, I met up with Dana and her mom and we went to a cafĂ© for a little bit. For dinner, Eduard was home and so we had a nice big dinner. Martine made a mistake and used a pre-packaged sweet crust instead of a savory one for her quiche. Before she tasted it, we all kept asking her, are you sure there isn’t sugar in the crust, because it really tastes like it. She was so embarrassed when she realized her mistake. Quite amusing.

Saturday: My host family left to visit their daughter, Delphine, in London for a few days. I spent the day packing, finally getting to cook for myself since I can’t really use the kitchen here and trying to get my homework done before I left. Not too exciting of a day, but I can’t wait to leave for Vienna tomorrow!

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