Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Short Week

This week has felt so short since I only had three real days… I guess that means I’ll have a bunch of stuff to do next week to catch up. But at least I’m having a fabulous time in Lyon and traveling!

Sunday Night: I returned home in the late afternoon. After unpacking a bit, I went to watch a little bit of the new with my host family before dinner. At dinner, I met the new girl that is staying with us for two weeks. Her name is Jessica and she is originally German but she now comes from Zurich, Switzerland. She speaks German, English and Spanish, but her French is really not very good, which is why she is here improving her French. We had a really hilarious dinner filled with translations and misunderstandings. It was really lighthearted and I enjoyed having so many people in the house (Francois was still on break – so we had 6 people including me). After dinner I did a little homework for SLM and uploaded all my pics from the weekend.

Monday: Unfortunately, for the first time today, I had a problem and did not wake up to my alarm. It wasn’t until 8:54am that I awoke suddenly and realized that I was already 54 minutes late to class. I left the house with all my stuff (and having brushed my teeth!) in under 3 minutes and headed as quickly as possible to class. Luckily this is the class that is pretty close to where I live and lasts for 4 hours, so all I missed was the student presentations and arrived just as we were beginning to discuss the book and the movie. After class, I went with Jose and Dana to get lunch at the Bistrot de Tartines (just off rue Merciere) where I had been before when I had lunch with the French medical students. After a delicious 3 cheese tartine with pears, I headed over to meet up with Barbara to discuss my independent study with her. We ended up talking about that and a bunch of other things for over two and a half hours…. Next I headed to Part-Dieu to go to Carrefour to buy food to make for Monday Night Dinner. I returned home and began making my Israeli couscous with roasted vegetables dish (which was a big hit at dinner!). I had a little time to relax before heading to Place Bellecour to meet up with everyone to go to dinner. We had a really lovely dinner where I talked to this really nice Chinese girl and Dana and I laughed a ton as usual. At the end, another girl named Julie pulled out her guitar to play for everyone. It was really nice, but I was pretty tired at this point, so I was excited to leave and head home to go to bed.

Tuesday: I was planning to wake up at 5am to go to the Market at la Croix-Russe. I was hoping to be there when it opened and to see the sun rise. However, when I woke up, I could tell it was way too cloudy for any sort of sunrise (let alone to really see any sun), so I decided that I will try to go next week at this time. I still went (about 3 hours later) to take some pictures and really start my project. I have a TON I need to learn about photography, but it was a good start to at least go and look at the market and get a sense of the sights and sounds around me. After that, I came home and failed to accomplish the work that I had set out for myself to do, and instead ended up taking a nap before class. After class I did a bit of reading before dinner. I had a really lovely dinner with my family and Jessica. We joked around a bunch and after dinner. Martine finished the plastic wrap at Marc to throw out. This resulted in a family game where Martine and Marc was playing catch with the plastic wrap holder and Thibaut and I were playing catch with a bunch of clementines and Jessica was just a bit freaked out and trying not to get hit. It was a great night – I love when I get to see this side of my host family!

Wednesday: Wednesday I had an early morning meeting with my tutor for my presentation on the old hospital in Lyon. I now have a much clearer picture of what I need to do for it, which is quite nice. After that I spent a hours reading the manual for my camera and experimenting with all the different settings to really get a sense of what is possible with my camera. I’m excited to head back out to take some more pictures with my new knowledge. After that I packed and had a quick dinner before getting everything ready for Thursday and going to sleep super early!

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