Sunday, April 29, 2012

Last week of class

Monday: I woke up feeling pretty sick and so I only made it into French class for the second half (since there are only presentations in the mornings, it’s not really that important to be there). After class, Dana and I walked over to Hotel de Ville and had lunch at a little Italian place right near Boulangerie Kayser. After lunch we went to la tasse livre to get a nutella steamer and do some work. We ended up spending more than five hours at the café working on a bunch of stuff and just hanging out. After that I went with Dana back to her apartment so that she could change before dinner. Then we headed over to Monday night dinner. It was a great dinner and there was a ton of people there. However, Dana had a test Tuesday morning and I was pretty tired, so we ended up leaving a little bit early and heading home to go to sleep.

Tuesday: I woke up in the morning and went for a little run. After that, I came back home and spent most of the rest of the day writing for my independent study project. I had a really nice dinner with my host family and then hung out a bit at night before going to bed.

Wednesday: I woke up early Wednesday morning for my meeting with my tutor. We worked on editing part of my independent study essay that I had written and talked about a lot of French grammar rules that I tend to struggle with. After that, I headed home, grabbed some lunch, and got back to work on my independent study essay. By dinner I had almost finished and so spent a while after dinner playing cards with my host family. Francois picked a really complicated game. We played at least 10 rounds and I think it wasn’t until at least the 5th round that I even began to understand what was going on. Ultimately it was a pretty fun time though. After that I headed back to my room and finished up the draft of my essay – I was pretty surprised that I ended up writing 20 pages!

Thursday: Thursday morning I had my last morning at Lycee St. Marc teaching English. The teachers whose classes we worked with gave Dana, Janee and I nice hand towels with our names stitched onto them. After class, I went over to campus to meet up with Annick to go over my project. We spent a few hours discussing what I had done and started editing it. She was really helpful, especially since she lives in the Croix-Rousse and could provide some good ideas about how to alter things that I had written. After our meeting, I went home to have a quick lunch before heading out for my last day of class. My teacher had said that we would be starting class at 1:45pm instead of 2:15pm, so I left the house at 1:00pm, which should have given me plenty of time to make it to class on time. Unfortunately, once I got off the metro at Grange-Blanche, I found out that the tram wasn’t working between Grange-Blanche and Portes des Alpes (the Bron Lyon 2 campus is just a few stops before portes des alpes). So, there was a huge group of students all standing around waiting for buses to come to bring everyone to campus. However, the TCL people said they had no idea when the buses were going to arrive. Everyone was freaking out because there were a lot of people who had tests on Thursday afternoon. Luckily, I found my friend Léa from class and we ended up deciding to take the metro to Gare de Venissieux and then take another bus over to campus. We walked into class right at 2:15pm. It sucked that we were late, but there was nothing that we could have done. After class (my last class – soooo crazy), I met up with Janee and Dana at the tasse livre to try to study for our SLM (our French class). However, we just ended up talking and weren’t really successful at getting anything done. After that, I did a little more work on my own and then met up with Jose, Dana and Eduardo in Vieux-Lyon to get Indian food for dinner. It was really good and we had a really funny and fabulous night!

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