Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lots of work, not a lot of time

This week has been super short with my mom getting here on Wednesday, so its mostly been just a whirlwind of work…

Monday: As usual I had French class bright and early Monday morning. After class, Dana and I met up with the girls we met from Brown (Lauren and Amelia) for lunch at La Mere Jean (the incredible onion tart place). After lunch, I headed back home to really make some headway on my presentation before going over to Marie-Jose’s for Monday night dinner. I was pretty tired, so it was fun, but I was certainly less peppy than normal. After that, I was up until the crack of dawn doing work and skyping with Seth.

Tuesday: I had planned to go to the market as usual, but after having stayed up so late on Monday night, I just had to sleep in and do work on my presentation and independent study at home. After that, I went to my last real class on the history of Lyon (since the last two classes will be devoted to presentations and the final exam). After that, I had a wonderful dinner of roasted chicken with my host family. It’s so weird that it was a week since the last time that we all ate dinner together, and it’s going to be 2 weeks until the next time that we all eat together!! After dinner, I spent the rest of the evening working on my projects and planning for when my mom gets to Lyon.

Wednesday: I woke up early for my meeting with my tutor. We made some major progress on my presentation and I felt a lot more secure about it after our session. After that, I headed back home to have some lunch, pack, and do some work on my independent study. Next I headed to meet up with Annick to work on my independent study. Can’t wait to go pick up my mom from the airport!!

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